OpenWGA 7.10 - Updating to OpenWGA 7.10
Doing the updateInstallations from the WAR file distribution on Windows
In this installation type you have manually setup an Apache Tomcat server on a Windows operating system, then added OpenWGA in the form of the WAR file distribution as web application to this server. You can perform the following steps for an upgrade:
- Download the WAR file distribution of the new OpenWGA version from the downloads
- Stop the tomcat server
- In the "webapps" directory of tomcat rename the currently installed war archive in order to allow a downgrade to the previous version if necessary, for example to 'ROOT.war.last' (but always to a name that does not have the .war suffix to prevent it from being deployed!)
- Copy the downloaded war file into the "webapps" folder and rename it to "ROOT.war"
- Remove the folder "ROOT", containing the unpacked previous OpenWGA version, from the "webapps" folder
- Clear the contents of the "work" directory of Tomcat
- Start tomcat again