OpenWGA 7.10 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features
Content Stores » Structure » Documents » Document types » Design documentsScript modules
Type name
Script module (cssjs)
Script modules store Non-WebTML code in a variety of programming and definition languages that are used in OpenWGA development.
Access key: "name/codetype" f.E. "basic/css"
Dokumentenschlüssel: "cssjs/name/codetype" z.B. "cssjs/basic/css"
Dokumentenschlüssel: "cssjs/name/codetype" z.B. "cssjs/basic/css"
Relations to other documents
Metadata fields
Name | Role | Data type | Contents |
code | String | Contained script or definition code | |
codetype | Access | String |
Type of code contained in this module:
created | Date | Date/time of creation of this document | |
lastmodified | Date | Date/time of last modification of this document | |
name | Access | String | Name of the script module |
pastauthors | List of strings | Users that have saved this document in the past. The entries correspond to those in field "pasteditdates", i.e. list elements with the same index belong to the same saving event. | |
pasteditdates | List of dates | Date/times tthis document has been saved in the past. The entries correspond to those in field "pastauthors", i.e. list elements with the same index belong to the same saving event. | |
revision | Integer | Counts the times that this document has been saved |