OpenWGA 7.10 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features
Content Stores » Structure » Documents » Document types » Schema documentsContent types
Type name
Content type (contenttype)
A content type defines a type of content document that is meant for a special purpose. It defines a lot of behaviours that content documents of this type should share, like the design by which it is rendered (when called directly by URL), its approval workflow, the positions that it may have in page hierarchy or who may create and edit documents of this type in the first place.
Content documents are not directly assigned a content type. Instead their struct entry determines the content type in its metadata field "contenttype". Therefor all content documents on one page share the same content type.
Content documents are not directly assigned a content type. Instead their struct entry determines the content type in its metadata field "contenttype". Therefor all content documents on one page share the same content type.
Access key: "name" f.E. "standard"
Document key: "contenttype/name" f.E. "contenttype/standard"
Document key: "contenttype/name" f.E. "contenttype/standard"
Relations to other documents
innerLayout, outerLayout: A 1:n relation to all WebTML modules of the name stored in those metadata fields. As there may be multiple WebTML modules of the same name with differing media keys this is no direct 1:1 relation.
Metadata fields
Name | Role | Data type | Contents |
allowedchildpages | List of strings | If metadata field "childpagerestrictions" is "fixDocTypes" this field contains names of content types that are allowed as child pages of pages of the current content type. | |
allowedpositions | List of strings | Detail information about the positioning restriction for this content type defined in metadata field "positioning". Contents is dependent on this setting. | |
authoring | Boolean | Denotes if this content type should be available to regular authoring in authoring clients. False will only allow its usage for manager users. | |
childpagerestrictions | String |
Defines restrictions to child pages of pages having this content type. Allowed values are:
created | Date | Date/time of creation of this document | |
descriptionaliases | List of strings | Variants of metadata field "description" in various languages. The entries contain a language code and the description in that language, divided by a pipe symbol "|" | |
editors | Authorisation | List of strings | Users, groups and roles that are allowed to create and edit content documents of this type. |
eventcreatecontent | String | TMLScript code that is executed as event when a new content document of this type is created. May contain a prefix "tmlscript/". | |
eventsavecontent | String | [TMLScript code that is executed as event when a content document is to be saved imminently. May contain a prefix "tmlscript/". | |
eventworkflowmail | String | [TMLScript code that is executed as event when a workflow mail is to be sent imminently. May contain a prefix "tmlscript/". | |
innerlayout | Foreign | String | The Name of WebTML modules that represents the inner layout by which content documents of this type are rendered. |
lastmodified | Date | Date/time of last modification of this document | |
name | Access | String | The unique name of this content type |
namealiases | List of strings | Variants of metadata field "name" in various languages, only for display purposes. The entries contain a language code and the name in that language, divided by a pipe symbol "|" | |
outerlayout | Foreign | String | The Name of WebTML modules that represents the outer layout by which content documents of this type are rendered. |
pastauthors | List of strings | Users that have saved this document in the past. The entries correspond to those in field "pasteditdates", i.e. list elements with the same index belong to the same saving event. | |
pasteditdates | List of dates | Date/times tthis document has been saved in the past. The entries correspond to those in field "pastauthors", i.e. list elements with the same index belong to the same saving event. | |
positioning | String |
Defines the allowed positions for pages of this content type. The contents of metadata field "allowedpositions" is dependent on this. Allowed values are:
preferredparent | String | Struct key of a page that is the preferred parent page for pages of this type. This may be used by authoring clients that allow no explicit positioning. | |
revision | Integer | Counts the times that this document has been saved | |
workflow | String | Name of an approval workflow that content documents of this types must pass before being released. May be empty to allow immediate release. |