OpenWGA 7.10 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features
Content Stores » Structure » Documents » Document types » Data documentsStruct entries
Type name
Struct entry (structentry)
A struct entry represents a node in the page hierarchy of a website area where contents may exist.
The hierarchy position is defined by the relations "parentEntry", where the struct entry may have exactly one struct entry as hierarchical parent, and by the relation "childEntries" where a struct entry may have an arbitrary number of struct entries as hierarchical children (which again will have the current entry as parent).
Besides this a struct entry serves as reference point for content documents that define the actual content to be published at this hierarchical position. Therefor the content key of all those content documents contain the struct key of their reference entry in them. Together with its contents a struct entry forms a "page", i.e. a webpage that may be published in web content management.
A struct entry also contains some settings as metadata fields that effect all its content documents.
The hierarchy position is defined by the relations "parentEntry", where the struct entry may have exactly one struct entry as hierarchical parent, and by the relation "childEntries" where a struct entry may have an arbitrary number of struct entries as hierarchical children (which again will have the current entry as parent).
Besides this a struct entry serves as reference point for content documents that define the actual content to be published at this hierarchical position. Therefor the content key of all those content documents contain the struct key of their reference entry in them. Together with its contents a struct entry forms a "page", i.e. a webpage that may be published in web content management.
A struct entry also contains some settings as metadata fields that effect all its content documents.
Access key: "key" f.E. "ff8081811bf8ba19011bf8efa149002c"
The access key is not obliged to be a string while it effectively is on all current OpenWGA content store implementations.
Document key: "structentry/key" f.E. "structentry/ff8081811bf8ba19011bf8efa149002c"
Unique name: The metadata field "uniquename" may contain a name for the current page that must be unique among all pages of the database. It can be used as alternate access key.
The access key is not obliged to be a string while it effectively is on all current OpenWGA content store implementations.
Document key: "structentry/key" f.E. "structentry/ff8081811bf8ba19011bf8efa149002c"
Unique name: The metadata field "uniquename" may contain a name for the current page that must be unique among all pages of the database. It can be used as alternate access key.
Relations to other documents
area: Struct entries of the top level, so called "root entries", are directly assigned to the website area document.
parentEntry: Struct entries may have exactly one parent entry which is the hierarchy node directly above them. If they have none they are regarded "root entries" which in hierarchy are directly below their website area.
childEntries (inverse): A struct entry may have an arbitrary number of child entries which are the hierarchy nodes directly below it.
content (inverse): A struct entry may have an arbitrary number of content documents of differing language and version.
contentType: A struct entry references a content type, which defines settings for all the content documents on this hierarchy node.
parentEntry: Struct entries may have exactly one parent entry which is the hierarchy node directly above them. If they have none they are regarded "root entries" which in hierarchy are directly below their website area.
childEntries (inverse): A struct entry may have an arbitrary number of child entries which are the hierarchy nodes directly below it.
content (inverse): A struct entry may have an arbitrary number of content documents of differing language and version.
contentType: A struct entry references a content type, which defines settings for all the content documents on this hierarchy node.
Metadata fields
Name | Role | Data type | Contents |
allowedchildpages | List of strings | If metadata field "childpagerestrictions" is "fixDocTypes" this field contains names of content types that are allowed as child pages of this page. | |
area | Foreign | String | Name of the website area belonging to this entry. Is only filled on root entries. |
childeditors | Authorisation | List of strings | Users, groups and roles that are allowed to edit child pages and create new child pages. If this field is empty then the struct inherits this setting from the same field of its parent entry. If all inherited fields are empty then all authors that are not otherwise denied are allowed to edit. |
childpagerestrictions | String |
Defines restrictions to child pages this page. Allowed values are:
contenttype | Foreign | String | Name of the content type that all content documents of this page belong to |
created | Date | Date/time of creation of this document | |
key | Access | Any primitive type, mostly string | The key of the struct entry, normally a generated string |
lastmodified | Date | Date/time of last modification of this document | |
pageeditors | Authorisation | List of strings | Users, groups and roles that are allowed to edit the page, i.e. the struct entry and its contents and create new contents. If this field is empty then the struct inherits this setting from metadata field "childeditors" of the parent entry. If all inherited fields are empty then all authors that are not otherwise denied are allowed to edit. |
pastauthors | List of strings | Users that have saved this document in the past. The entries correspond to those in field "pasteditdates", i.e. list elements with the same index belong to the same saving event. | |
pasteditdates | List of dates | Date/times tthis document has been saved in the past. The entries correspond to those in field "pastauthors", i.e. list elements with the same index belong to the same saving event. | |
position | Number | Positioning of this struct entry among its "sibling entries". The entries in a siblings list are ordered by this number ascending. It is possible that multiple siblings share the same position number, which results in those entries being ordered alphanumericly based on the struct entry title. | |
published | Map. Keys as Strings, values are dates | The date/times where this page has been first published in its available languages. Map keys are the language codes where the page has been published. | |
readers | Authorisation | List of strings | Users, groups and roles that are allowed to see the content data of this page and all pages in the child hierarchy. |
revision | Integer | Counts the times that this document has been saved | |
title | String | Title of the struct entry. Used to order sibling entries with equal "position" and to represent pages in the explorer of OpenWGA content manager when no appropriate content document title can be used. | |
uniquename | Key | String | A unique name for the page among all pages of this database. May be empty to let the document have no unique name. |
workflowname | String | Name of the workflow that is processed to release content documents on this page. If this field is empty then the workflow of the assigned content type is in effect. |