OpenWGA 7.10 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags » include<tml:include name ="portlet-name">
Addresses the included portlet per portlet name
With this attribute the per name defined portlet gets included. For that the include tag has to be inside the parent portlet, which was registered for the included portlet.
Is the portlet not registered, it is possible to add the attribute ref to perform a automatic registration. The portlet gets registered automatically with the given name and with the given WebTML module form attribute ref as design.
If both name and ref are given and the portlet name is used by another WebTML module the portlet will register to the new module. The configuration gets completely emptied.
Is the portlet not registered, it is possible to add the attribute ref to perform a automatic registration. The portlet gets registered automatically with the given name and with the given WebTML module form attribute ref as design.
If both name and ref are given and the portlet name is used by another WebTML module the portlet will register to the new module. The configuration gets completely emptied.