OpenWGA 7.10 - TMLScript reference



Description A part of a collection result containing a list of result documents
Retrieval This is a special variant of the List object which contains the result documents as TMLContext objects but additionally provides method to retrieve information about the collection page.
Allowed in script types
  • WebTML pages and normal WebTML actions
  • Master actions
  • TMLScript tasks in jobs
  • Content type events
Inherits from object List
Properties and methods
Name Purpose
add([index, ] value) inherited Adds a value to the list
addAll([index,] list) inherited Adds all values of another list to this list
clear() inherited Removes all values  from the list
contains(value) inherited Controls if a value is contained in the list
containsAll(list) inherited Controls if this list contains all values of another list
endIndex Denotes the index that the last document on this collection page had on the original collection
endReached Denotes if there are retrievable result documents in the collection after the last document of this collection page
equals(list) inherited Tests two lists for equality
get(idx) inherited Reads a value from the list
indexOf(value) inherited Returns the index position of a value in the list
isEmpty() inherited Controls if the list is empty
lastIndexOf(value) inherited Returns the (last) index position of a value in the list
Removes a value from the list
removeAll(list) inherited Removes all values from the list that are contained in the parameter list
retainAll(list) inherited Removes all values from the list that are not contained in the parameter list
set(idx, value) inherited Sets a value at an index position
size() inherited Returns the number of values in the list
endIndex Denotes the index that the first document on this collection page had on the original collection
subList(from ,to) inherited Extracts a partial list
toArray() inherited Creates a JavaScript array containing the list values