OpenWGA 7.10 - Query languages reference
hql / fullhqlObject "content"
Property | Type of contents | Contents |
author | Text | Original author of the document |
coauthors[0..n] | List of text elements indexed by numbers | Additional authors configured for this content |
contentclass | String | The content class of the content (only WGA content stores of version 5 or higher) |
created | Date | Date and time of creation |
extensionData['fieldname'] | List of objects of type "ExtensionData", indexed with the names of relations in lowercase | List of all extension data fields on this document (only WGA content stores of version 5 or higher) |
files['filename'] | List of objects of type "ContentFile", indexed with then names of attached files in lowercase | List of file attachments on this document |
incomingRelations | Collection of objects of type "ContentRelation" | Collection of all content relations that point to the current content, unindexed. Use this collection with "elements" function of HQL to test for existence of certain contents (only WGA content stores of version 5 or higher). |
ishiddenfrom[0..n] | List of text elements indexed by numbers |
Names of navigational elements in which the document should not be shown: "nav" - Navigators "search" - Queries "sitemap" - Sitemap |
items['itemname'] | List of objects of type "ContentItem", indexed with the names of items in lowercase | List of all items on this document |
keywords[0..n] | List of text elements indexed by numbers | Keywords for this content document, meant to be used by internet search engines to index the document |
language | Object of type "Language" | The language of the content document as a language definition object |
lastclient | Text | Type of the last authoring client that edited this document |
lastmodified | Date | Date and time of last modification of this document |
owner | Text | The owner of the document, being the author of the first version by default |
published | Date | The date/time where the content went intro status "published" (only WGA content stores of version 5 or higher) |
readers[0..n] | List of text elements indexed by numbers | Users, groups and roles allowed to read this document |
relations['relationname'] | List of objects of type "ContentRelation", indexed with the names of relations in lowercase | List of all content relations on this document (only WGA content stores of version 5 or higher) |
status | Text |
Workflow state of the document "w" - Working copy "g" - In approval process "p" - Published "a" - Archived |
structentry | Object of type "StructEntry" | The struct entry that the current content document belongs to |
title | Text | The title of the document |
uniquename | Text | The unique name of this content document. Does not contain unique names stored for the page, which is a property of the struct entry. |
validfrom | Date | Optional date before which the document should be invisible. |
validto | Date | Optional date after which the document should be invisible. |
version | Number | Number of version of the current content document. |
visible | Number (1/0) | General visibility flag. Is 0 on documents in system areas or on those that should be generally hidden because of other OpenWGA functionalities. |