OpenWGA 7.10 - Query languages reference
hql / fullhqlObject "contentType"
Represents a content type, retrievable in HQL via property content.structentry.contenttype.
Property | Type of contents | Contents |
allowedpositions[index] | Liste of text elements indexed by number |
Further specification of allowed positions for pages of this type:
created | Date | Date and time of creation |
editors[index] | Liste of text elements indexed by number | Persons, groups or roles allowed to create and edit pages of this type |
innerlayout | Text | Name of the WebTML module representing the inner layout for contents of this type |
lastmodified | Date | Date and time of last modification |
name | Text | Name of the content type in lowercase |
outerlayout | Text | Name of the WebTML module representing the outer layout for contents of this type |
positioning | Text |
Positions at which contents of this type may be created in page hierarchy. Further specification may be available in field "allowedpositions": „all“ - Everywhere. „root“ - Only as root pages. „child“ - Only as child pages. „fixParentDocs“ - Only as child pages of specified parents. „fixParentTypes“ - Only as child pages of parents of the specified content types. |
preferredparent | Text | Key of a struct entry which is regarded the "preferred parent" of pages of this type. |
workflow | Text | Name of a workflow that contents of this type must pass before being published |