OpenWGA 7.10 - WebTML reference

WebTML metadata

Metadata of type="db"

These metadata fields provide some collected data about the current context application. They include information about it's database and about the users login on it's domain.
Name Contents Data type
areas Names of all website areas in the applications database List of Strings
contenttypes Names of all content types in the applications database List of Strings
cssjsmodules Names of all script modules in the applications design List of Strings
dbkey Database key of the application String
defaultlanguage Default language code of the application String
domain Domain that this database belongs to String
filecontainers Names of all file containers in the applications design List of Strings
languages Names (language codes) of all language definitions in the applications database List of Strings
lucene Indicates if fulltext queries via query type "lucene" are available for this application Boolean
original_user* Information about the user that originally triggered the current operation. Use this in master actions/functions/methods to retrieve the user on whose behalf the script runs. Replace "user*" with any metadata field name that begins with "user" like "original_username". Works only for the database under whose context the master script was called. String
title Title of the application String
tmlmodules Names of all WebTML mdules in the applications design List of Strings
useraccess Access level of the user on the application:
0 = No access
10 = Reader
20 = Author
30 = Editor
90 = Manager
useraliases Name aliases of the current user List of Strings
usercommonname Displayname of the user logged in the applications domain (available since 7.8.8) String
useremail E-Mail address of the current user String
usergroups Groups of the current user List of Strings
userlabel_* A special information of the current user, that can be configured on some authentication sources as "labeled names". Replace the * with the labeled name of the wanted user information. String
userlabels Lists all the names that are available as user label for the current user via metadata field userlabel_*. List of Strings
username Name/ID by which the user is logged in the applications domain String
userroles ACL rollen of the current user List of Strings