OpenWGA 7.1 - OpenWGA Concepts and Features

Content Stores » Structure » Documents » Document types » Data documents

Website areas

Type name
Website are (area)
A website area is the root point of a page hierarchy. Multiple website areas can be used to divide up the contents of an OpenWGA content store into logical parts that each should have an own hierarchy and therefor an own navigational structure.

Many websites though contain only one area, mostly named "home".
Access key: Metadata field "name", f.E. "home"

Document key:
"area/name", f.E. "area/home"
Relations to other documents
rootEntries (inverse): Connects to the top level of struct entries of this area, those entries that have no other entries for a parent. These entries are also sometimes called "root entries" or "main entries".
Metadata fields
Name Role Data type Contents
allowedrootpages   List of strings If metadata field "rootpagerestrictions" is "fixDocTypes" this field contains names of content types that are allowed as root pages of this area.
created   Date Date/time of creation of this document
editors Authorisation List of strings Users, groups and roles that are allowed to edit documents contained in this area
lastmodified   Date Date/time of last modification of this document
name Access String The unique name of this area
pastauthors   List of strings Users that have saved this document in the past. The entries correspond to those in field "pasteditdates", i.e. list elements with the same index belong to the same saving event.
pasteditdates   List of dates Date/times this document has been saved in the past. The entries correspond to those in field "pastauthors", i.e. list elements with the same index belong to the same saving event.
readers Authorisation List of strings Users, groups and roles that are allowed to see content data contained in this area
revision   Integer Counts the times that this document has been saved
rootpagerestrictions   String Defines restrictions for root pages of this area. Allowed values are:
  • "all" - Any root page allowed (default)
  • "fixDocTypes" - Only root pages of special content types allowed. Metadata field "allowedrootpages" contains the names of those content types.