OpenWGA 7.0 - WebTML reference
WebTML tags » foreach<tml:foreach sortexpression ="expression">
Use this attribute together with attribute sortorder. It receives a TMLScript expression which is evaluated against every object to iterate over. The result of the evaluation is used to sort the iteration objects. They are sorted in the natural order of their expression results.
If the iteration uses a content documents (either type="content" or type="itemvalue" where the item list contains content documents) then the expression is executed in the context of that content document.
Other objects that are iterated are passed into the expression as WebTML variabie "$VALUE", also optionally under the variable name determined by attribute currentvalue.
For a more flexible, yet more complex approach, capable of performing sort using multiple sort criteria, use attribute sortcomparison.
- <tml:query> ... </tml:query>
<tml:foreach sortorder="ascending" sortexpression="TITLE">
- <li><tml:meta name="title"/></li>
Displays a collection sorted in ascending order of its document title.