Apps and development tools - Basic App Kit
There are three ways to show alert messages:
Client side Javascript:
<a class="btn" href="javascript:App.alert('Hello World', 'Important')">Alert</a>
Actions that fire an event:
<a class="btn" href="<tml:url type="action" ajax="norefresh">
var event = createEvent("alert");
event.addParameter("message", "this is<br>Important");
event.addParameter("title", "Important");
</tml:url>">Alert 2</a>
Actions that use the following utility method:
<a class="btn" href="<tml:url type="action" ajax="norefresh">
AppKit.alert("Message", "Title");
</tml:url>">Alert 3</a>
In all variants the title parameter is optional. If title is undefined the DB-Title will be used as alert title.