Apps and development tools - IG User Management
Special features » IG User Management Services » Password change requestSetup the "Lost password" module
The "Lost password" module is a simple CM module to be embedded into any module-enabled webpage.
Adding the module
Find the module in the modules editor under category "Applications".
Once added you can configure some settings on the module:
- Hint for entering mail address: Some introductory text, shown when the user is asked to enter his e-mail address
- Message after entering: Some explaining text shown to the user after he has successfully created a request.
The module in action
The module is empty while a user is logged in. Only for anonymous users it shows a link "Lost password?". On clicking the link the user is provided with a field to enter his mail address:
After specifying an e-mail address and clicking "Request password change" the module shows the "Message after entering" from the configuration if a user with this address was found. Otherwise an error message is shown.
In Content Manager the module shows some descriptive text so it is visible for the author.