Apps and development tools - Basic App Kit
View reference
A view is defined by XML. The format in general is
If a storage should show more then one view, the <view>s is embedded into a <views> tag:
For a details description of the view attributes see the <view> reference and <views> reference.
View Body:
The body of the view tag defines
- What documents should be shown in the view
- Optional groupchange
- What columns should be rendered
In general the view body contains the following section:
<view {view-attributes}>
{document selection (optional)}
{group-change (optional)}
{conditions (optional)}
{columns (mandatory)}
For a details description see the sub tags of <view>.
Document selection:
The db-query is calculated based on the document selection tags:
Each of this tags is optional and has a default value.
In case of query-type="hql" (the default) the resulting query is:
<select> AND <filter> AND <search like :user-input>
order by <orderby>
In case of view query-type=="custom" the db-query is completely used from the <view>'s <query> tag.
in case of query-type="lucene" the resulting query is:
<select> <filter> <search(if defined)> :user-input
- <grouchange>{TMLScript expression}</groupchange>
Defines a groupchange between the view rows.
- <col {col-attribites}>{TMLScript expression or script}</col>
Defines the colums of the view