Apps and development tools - jQuery Plugins

Textarea Autogrow

The modal plugin provides auto grow function for textareas. The teaxtarea is automatically resized as the user types or removes text.


Static include:

<tml:include designdb="@afw" ref="include:jquery" o_jquery-plugins="textarea-autogrow"/>

Dynamic Include:

requirejs(["jquery", "jquery-textarea-autogrow"], function(){...})


<texrarea id="myTa">...</textarea>


The modal plugin provides auto grow function for textareas.


Parameter "options" is an optional JavaScript object. Valid properties are

  • minHeight: the initial height of the textarea. Default is "not set" meaning the line height of text

From OpenWGA 7.5.3 on "options" may also be a String and is interpreted as "command" in this case. Currently the only valid command is 

  • "update" 

to recalculate the textarea size:
