Apps and development tools - Basic App Kit
AppKit Modules<tml:include ref="popup@base">
Since version 3.0.2Description :
Utiliy module to handle custom modal popups.
To show the modal create a link with href="#<id-of-the-popup>" and attribute data-modal="show":
<a class="btn" href="#my-popup" data-modal="show">Modal Popup</a>
To show a popup using Javascript:
The uniqie id of the modal. Use this id in your link to show the modal.
The title to be displayed
footer (optional):
Optional footer. Put buttons here.
The body of the modal.
<tml:include ref="popup@base" o_id="my-popup">
<tml:option name="title">My Title ...</tml:option>
<tml:option name="footer">The Footer</tml:option>
This is the modal contents ...
<a class="btn" href="#my-popup" data-modal="show">Modal</a>